Other resources developed for the AUC Educators Retreat 2023 can be found linked to the FarmPEP initiative: 'AUC Educators Retreat 2023'.
Farm491 slides developed to share with educators who lead agriculture degree courses at the AUC Educators Retreat 2023.
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The Agricultural Universities Council (AUC-UK) is a collaboration of the UK universities with agricultural schools or departments. AUC-UK works together to coordinate our teaching and research, to make the biggest contribution we can to a resilient and sustainable future for agriculture, land management and food systems.
Food, farming and land use need to undergo rapid and sustained change if the world is to address climate, biodiversity and health crises. This transformation requires changes in policy, yet will also rely on the actions of farmers and land managers on the ground. Their knowledge, skills and motivations, and those of their advisors, are crucial to success. This retreat provided an opportunity for educators who lead agriculture degree courses to share resources and inject fresh content into their courses. This retreat was funded by the Aurora Trust and The Mark Leonard Trust.
Where Growing and Innovation Meet. Let’s Grow Business, Farm491 is a UK based leading technology incubator and innovation space focused on the future of farming and food systems.