Precision farming company with 20 years experience, based in Scotland but active across the UK. 

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The agri-tech sector is vibrant and growing, with many exciting companies, organisations and networks are working to develop agri-tech solutions.

A range of digital technologies promise to transform agriculture, including sensing, robotics, artificial intelligence, wireless networks & IoT, big data, decision support tools, modelling, digital twins and precision farming. 

Some of the commercially available digital tools & software include: Fieldview - Bayer Granular - Corteva Xarvio - BASF John Deere Operations Centre Omnia Agleader SMS Breedr Fieldmargin Yagro Geopard AgAnalytics Data Baler Agrible Habiterre Combyne MyFarms CropTrak Trinity Agtech - Sandy AgTools Agricircle   Join this page to add and edit  

Many technologies now exist to monitor land at a range from scales, from hand-held sensors and simple cameras, through tractor mounted sensors, drones, aeroplanes through to satellites.

Precision farming involves the use of GPS, sensing and control technologies to use spatial data to manage soils, crops and livestock. 

Many of the most telling innovations that make a difference on-farm come from farmers themselves, or from close collaboration between farmers, advisors, industry and researchers

Join renowned UK farmers, tech developers, and agri-tech sector representatives for a day of on-farm discussions, networking, and demonstrations at the innovative Shimpling Park Farm in Suffolk for Agri-EPI's Annual Conference 2022 on 27th October.

Innovation in agriculture refers to the development and implementation of new ideas, technologies, and practices in the agricultural sector.

Crop canopy sensing – your virtual farm walk?

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