Report Cover
The alternative protein industry could be game changing.
2024 Trial Plan
We farm 280 hectares of organic arable land in North Northumberland. We grow wheat, barley, oats, beans & clover. As a seed merchant, Smales Organic Seeds, we process a lot of our crops to sell…
Faba Bean Diagram
Enhancing biological N fixation in faba beans holds promise not only to enhance and stabilize yields but also to increase residual N available to subsequent ceral crops grown on the same field.
The following information from SRUC summarises their approach to research in livestock genetics and genomics. 
Signet Breeding Services Logo
Signet Breeding Services is run by the AHDB and their website contains lots of useful information and resources around genetics and breeding for beef and sheep herds.
Dairy Cows
Find out how building genetics into your breeding programme can maintain herd strengths and address areas of weakness.
Report Cover
Includes a study of feasibility of harvesting and sorting + 52 technical sheets from farmers' experiences.
Agroforestry 'Roundel'
This resource from Farm Consultancy Group describes one method for implementing an agroforestry livestock system.
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This Royal Society Report presents the evidence for the relationship between soil structure and benefits to agricultural productivity, clean water, flood prevention, climate change mitigation and…
The FarmPEAT Project EIP is a pilot project funded by the EU Recovery Instrument Funding under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022.