The Voluntary Initiative is an industry led programme to promote the responsible use of plant protection products (PPP's) through schemes, tools and messages advocating an IPM-based approach to sustainable agriculture.

Our mission is to be the UK’s primary delivery mechanism for promoting best practice in PPP use through enhanced adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as defined by the Sustainable Use Directive in order to protect water and the environment.

Our Strategic Aims:

  • Ensure that industry demonstrates continued commitment to best practice in PPP use through enhanced uptake of IPM
  • Ensure the Voluntary Initiative (VI) is considered the vanguard on PPP stewardship by government, industry and stakeholders
  • Minimise the environmental impact of PPP use and related farming practices on water and biodiversity
  • Maximise the opportunities for the development of UK agriculture post-Brexit

Our Strategic Priorities:

  • Show continued leadership in the principle of industry self-regulation that delivers world leading benefit to UK agriculture post-Brexit
  • Encourage adoption of enhanced IPM principles and ensure the uptake of a holistic approach to crop protection through integration of quantifiable IPM measures within the proposed new Environmental Land Management System (ELMS) or equivalent and in line with the 25 year Environment plan
  • Improvement in water quality, ensuring implementation of IPM minimises the impact of PPP's through enhanced stewardship and collaboration between the Agriculture and Water Industries
  • Introduce a network of Regional “VI Champion” farmers and advisers to drive through change in the industry
  • Improved stewardship of PPP's, specifically insecticides, to reduce the risk to bees and other pollinators through appropriate use of IPM linking to Government National Pollinator Strategy
  • Ensure the VI is the key delivery mechanism for the Revised National Action Plan (NAP) for the Sustainable Use of Pesticides and link into wider pesticide policy development
  • To simplify delivery of information through integration of messaging between initiatives and across relevant organisations.

These aims and priorities are important because adherence to best practice in PPP use contributes to:

  • Helping achieve the aims of the 25 year Environment Plan, by helping growers deliver “public goods” and to help achieve the goals for improving the environment within a generation and leaving it in a better state than we found it
  • Reducing risk to the aquatic environment and improved compliance with the Water Framework Directive
  • Protection of biodiversity, specifically pollinators and other farm wildlife through greater engagement with key stakeholders
  • Reassurance for the general public that PPP's are being used safely
  • Increasing confidence of consumers and retailers about the safety of food produced in the UK
  • Actively reduce the first stage of in-field and farm store food waste

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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.

The IPMNET initiative aims to improve the practical understanding and application of integrated pest management (for pests, weeds and diseases) for farmers,  and inform policy design promoting IPM strategies. 

With the high number of vehicles and machinery and potential for falling from heights, we all understand that farming is a hazardous occupation. It represents just under 2% of the workforce in Great Britain but accounts for around 19% of the reported fatal injuries each year. 

Join us to kick-off the IPM Network pilot year, share your experiences with other attendees, tap into the expertise of our speakers and demonstrate the value of networks for knowledge exchange.  

What web resources do you find useful to find and share knowledge?

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.

The application of agrochemicals by modern crop sprayers involves sophisticated technologies applied by skilled operators.

Live webinar on IPM in Agriculture on 10th November 2022

AHDB Guide from 2021 incorporating WRAG guidelines. Weed control is vital for high yields of good-quality crops and to prevent the spread of pests and diseases, e.g. ergot. Yet with fewer active ingredients, a need to protect water and manage herbicide resistance, the weed challenge must be managed across the rotation.

Create IPM plans for your farm

Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share information, resources, tools and experiences on the multifaceted dimensions of how farming intersects with the environment.

Agrochemicals are chemical products used for agricultural purposes. Although agrochemicals have high input costs, they are widely used in the farming industry for their beneficial effects on crop yields and quality and associated reduced labour costs. Together with advances in agricultural machinery and infrastructure, the use of agrochemicals played a large role in the Green Revolution. This was a period in the 21st century in which the spread of various agricultural technologies led to greatly increased yields and production globally. However, a number of concerns around agrochemicals exist including negative effects on human health and the environment and the development of pest populations that are becoming resistant to them. A major challenge of modern agriculture is to try and reduce reliance on agrochemicals whilst continuing to increase yields and feed a growing global population.

Diffuse pollution in agriculture refers to the contamination of water, soil, and air by chemicals, nutrients, and other substances that are used or produced in agricultural activities.