Future Farming Expo will be on Tuesday 10 October 9:00 am - 5:00 pm and Wednesday 11 October 9:00 am - 4:30pm at the P&J Live, Aberdeen.
Register for your free ticket here: https://eventdata.uk/Forms/Form.aspx?FormRef=FFXA3Visitor&_gl=1*1bbf1cg*_ga*MTI3MTgwMzQ0NC4xNjk0NDE4Njgz*_ga_B7BMGDE58N*MTY5NDQxODY4Mi4xLjAuMTY5NDQxODY4Mi4wLjAuMA..
Future Farming Expo is an exhibition that will focus on knowledge exchange so that every visitor goes home feeling like they have gained a crucial understanding of where the industry is heading, and how to tackle the challenges head on.
This new event offers knowledge exchange and top-quality networking opportunities with the main decision-makers on farm. Our attendees need your knowledge, services and products at their fingertips to future-proof their businesses.