Abstract submissions
Abstract submissions will be handled by the AAB and you can access the form here https://www.aab.org.uk/conferences/submit-an-abstract-for-bspp-plant-pathology-2023/
Confirmed speakers and provisional titles
- Charlotte Nellist (NIAB, UK) ‘TBC’
- Dan Bebber (University of Exeter)‘Climate Change-induced patterns of plant pests and pathogens’
- David Guttman (University of Toronto, Canada) ‘Uncovering virulence landscapes and host immunodiversity using effector pangenomes’
- Debbie Hemming (Met Office, UK) ‘Improving climate data and modelling to inform plant biosecurity’
- Hailing Jin (University of California, US) ‘Cross-kingdom RNA trafficking between plants and fungal pathogens’
- Jon West and Kevin King(Rothamsted Research) ‘The pros and cons of different surveillance and monitoring approaches’
- Jos Raaijmakers (Unviversity of Leiden, Netherlands)‘Rewilding plant microbiomes for disease control’
- Mark Banfield (The John Innes Centre, UK) ‘TBC’
- Paul Rainey (Max-Planck-Gessllschaft, Germany)‘Manipulation of bacterial metabolism by mobile genetic elements and consequences for pathogenicity’
- Richard Hamelin (University of British Columbia, Canada) ‘TBC’
- Rosa Lozano-Duran (University of Tubingen, Germany) ‘How to use six genes to conquer a plant: learning from geminiviruses’
- Wenbo Ma (The Sainsbury Lab, UK) ‘TBC’
Please visit the event website for further information and how to get tickets.