Event Date
YEN Conference

To celebrate 10 years of the YEN, we are hosting a YEN conference that brings together learnings from across our networks. 



East of England Arena and Events Centre, Peterborough, PE2 6XE

To book your tickets for the conference and dinner please click here.

To make your nomination for the Innovation Award, please click here.

Members from all the Yield Enhancement Networks are invited to join the YEN Conference to celebrate 10 years of YEN.

We aim to have an interactive conference with panel and table discussions involving the audience for all the session topics. Please see below the agenda for the conference.

Conference Booking

To book your tickets for the conference and dinner please click here.

All 2022 Crop YENs (Cereal, Oilseed, Pea and Bean) members receive single free entry to the conference. Please order your free registration via the above order link.

Other YEN members and Non YEN members are invited to attend the conference at a cost of £100 +VAT per person.

The conference will be followed by a celebratory YEN Awards dinner. The YEN Awards dinner evening is a separate charged-for event for all delegates, including the YEN entrants and sponsors, at £75 + VAT per person.

Venue - East of England Arena and Events Centre, Peterborough, PE2 6XE


Nomination for YEN Innovation Award 

The overall aim of the YEN is to foster and encourage innovation in the agricultural industry.  

As part of this, we strive to recognise the efforts of the farmer-led innovations to enhance crop performance. This Innovation Award will be given in recognition of efforts to improve yield through innovations on farm.

Any 2022 YEN entrant or YEN Sponsor can nominate any farmer participating in the YEN for the award by completing the form below. The winner will be announced at the YEN 2022 Conference on 24th January 2023.

This year's Innovation Award is kindly sponsored by Limagrain. Image removed.

To make your nomination for the Innovation Award, please click here.


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