Event Date
Workshop Poster

Integrated Pest Management: Supporting tools and evidence-based learning

Join us for a hands-on event on IPM, connecting you with resources and evidence for advancing IPM strategies on farm.

The aim of the meeting is to provide support in the use of resources and accessing information for advancing IPM implementation on farm, and to launch a Pilot IPM Network, supporting farmers and advisors to share knowledge and data on IPM strategies.

The event will draw together outputs from three ongoing EU funded IPM related projects; IPM Decisions, IPMWORKS, and OPER8 (alternative weed management).

We will highlight what tools, and information is available, and where to get it, and provide evidence from field based demonstrations that show IPM in action.


  • Andrew Christie (James Hutton Institute) – IPM Works, On farm demonstrations of IPM in action in Scotland
  • Georgie Bray (RSPB) – Holistic Farm Management and IPM at RSPB Hope Farm
  • Phil Walker (ADAS) – IPM Planning Tools
  • Lynn Tatnell (ADAS) – OPER8: Demonstrating options for alternative weed control
  • Mark Ramsden (ADAS) – The role of IPM Decisions and IPM Networks

Associated IPM Initiatives

IPM NET– Knowledge sharing network to improve the effectiveness of IPM

Connecting farmers and stakeholders to advance implementation of Integrated Pest Management. [https://adas.co.uk/projects/ipm-net-knowledge-sharing-network-to-improv…]

IPM Decisions

Increasing access to and uptake of IPM Decision Support Systems across Europe. [https://www.platform.ipmdecisions.net/]


Creating an IPM Demonstration network across Europe. [https://ipmworks.net/]


Sharing practices on alternative weed control. [https://www.oper-8.eu/]

IPM Decisions, IPMWORKS and OPER-8 received funding from the European Union, under grant agreements 816716, 101000339 and 101060591 respectively.

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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.