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Combining Agronomic and Technical presentations.

The Society’s 2023 Conference will be held at Robinson College, Cambridge, UK on 6-8 December

Following the success of our combined conference last year, our 2023 event will have a similar structure. It will include presentations both for delegates with crop nutrition and fertiliser production interests, as well as some that will be of general interest. As well as a variety of relevant and interesting presentations, this will provide unique opportunities to meet, discuss topics of common interest and build relationships with people working in different parts of the fertiliser and crop nutrition supply chain.

The Conference will feature a total of twenty one papers, eight of which will cover topics of interest to those involved with crop nutrition, eight will be of interest to those involved with fertiliser production, while five joint presentations will be of interest to all. In addition there will be a discussion panel session of interest to all delegates, addressing the question ‘Are we facing the end of commodity fertilisers?’.

All presentations and the discussion panel will be viewable as a live stream, with remote delegates being able to put questions to the speakers, download written papers and view pdf copies of the posters.

Registration for in-person attendance at the conference, or to follow the live stream, are both now open. Click on the buttons below to access the relevant form.

Register to attend the conference In-person, in Cambridge, or the via the conference Live Stream. The Secretary will process your registration and email you an invoice.



The eight agronomic papers will cover topics such as the optimisation and value of organic fertilisers and materials, fertilisation for forage production, management parameters for sustainable crop production, new results on protein prediction test for milling wheat, and examples of the use of innovative technology to aid crop nutrient management.

The eight production papers will cover topics such as low energy urea production, urea prilling, multipurpose granulation technology, advanced process control, detection of hazardous gases, N2O abatement, low cadmium phosphate fertilisers and extracting sulphur from phosphogypsum.

The five papers of joint interest will cover nitrogen recycling and white ammonia, the potentially disruptive effects of new types of fertiliser, new ways to reduce emissions from manure and urea, developments with nanofertilisation, and the 33rd Francis New Memorial lecture.

The presentations will again be augmented by a varied display of posters, while the Conference will host the final of the 2023 Brian Chambers International Award for Early Career Researchers in Crop Nutrition.

If you would like to submit an abstract of a poster that you wish to display at the Conference, please e-mail this to the Society Secretary. Our detailed poster guidelines are available to download.

There will also be ample opportunities for valuable networking, including the Conference dinner.

For those of you in the UK, attendance at this conference is anticipated to be worth 12 BASIS FACTS CPD points.

To help you with your travel plans, the Conference to start at 14.00 on Wednesday 6 December. Lunch will be available beforehand. The Wednesday afternoon session of joint presentations will be followed by an informal dinner, from 19.00. The popular team quiz will then run from around 20.30.

I have produced detailed information covering travel to Cambridge and Robinson College by car (including parking arrangements), and by train and coach from London and the major airports. You can download this here.  

The programme on Thursday 7th December will run from 09.15 to 17.15. It will include separate presentations for those interested in either crop nutrition or fertiliser production, as well as the popular poster session. The Conference Dinner on 8th December starts with a drinks reception at 19.30. The dinners on the Wednesday and Thursday evenings are both inclusive of wine and thus provide excellent value.

The Friday session runs from 09.00 – 13.00, followed by lunch. It will consist of two separate presentations for crop nutrition and production delegates, followed by a joint session which will include the 33rd Francis New Memorial lecture and the discussion panel referred to above.

Delegates’ enjoyment of the event will be enhanced by taking advantage of two ‘lighter’ activities that have been organised. On the morning of Wednesday 6 and afternoon of Friday 8 December, delegates can take a guided walking tour of the historic and lovely heart of Cambridge, whilst those staying in Robinson College are welcome to participate in a ‘high energy’ team quiz after dinner on the Wednesday evening. This is a great way to meet other delegates and have some fun.

For delegates who will be driving to Cambridge, parking close to Robinson College is ‘challenging’. Accordingly we reserve free parking spaces at a private car park about a ten minute walk from the college. Details are in the travel guidance document.

Abstracts of the papers to be presented can be read below.

Registration is now open. The registration fee for the full conference is £450 + VAT (where applicable), but Society Members benefit from a reduced fee of £290 + VAT.  This includes lunch on all three days. There are discounted registrations available for full time students, at a registration fee of £160 + VAT (accommodation and dinners still have to be paid for).

Most delegates stay in Robinson College, or other ones close by, to maximise networking opportunities, as Cambridge hotels are some distance away. College accommodation and dinners can be booked via the registration form.


Use the buttons below to register to either attend in-person or for the remote live stream. 

Register to attend the conference In-person, in Cambridge, or the via the conference Live Stream. The Secretary will process your registration and email you an invoice.



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