Event Date
Cysts on roots

The 6th Symposium of Potato Cyst Nematode Management will cover many aspects, including international distribution, genetic diversity, sampling and decision making, population dynamics, diagnostics, integrated management, biology and application of resistance, use of effectors, rotational control, chemical control, biological control and novel control methods such as RNAi and biofumigation.


The 6th Symposium of Potato Cyst Nematode Management will cover many aspects, including international distribution, genetic diversity, sampling and decision making, population dynamics, diagnostics, integrated management, biology and application of resistance, use of effectors, rotational control, chemical control, biological control and novel control methods such as RNAi and biofumigation.

AAB have a history of organising the Symposium of Potato Cyst Nematode Management including a 2019 meeting that was also held in Harper Adams. We are happy to supply the PDF of the conference papers from that event.


Abstract Submission Details

The majority of speakers will be selected from submitted abstracts. We encourage delegates to submit an abstract to either present an oral or poster presentation. Everyone who is not selected for an oral presentation will be invited to bring a poster presentation.

Abstract submission deadline is June 17th 2023.


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Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.

Diseases infect susceptible plant hosts, where environmental conditions favor disease development. Infected crops achieve lower yields and the quality of the produce can also be affected.

The Potato Cyst Nematode damages the roots causing poor growth, wilting during periods of water stress and early senescence.

AAB are a learned society and charity focused across many areas of Applied Biology.

Potatoes are an important UK crop grown over 140,000 ha producing 5.5 Million tonnes