We are seeking farmers who have on-farm trials (split fields or tramline comparisons) underway to test practices related to soil carbon: comparisons of cultivations, drilling practices or cover crops. If you have such a trial, please get in touch.
As part of the Farm-PEP project (farmpep.net) we are seeking to promote on-farm experimentation, which is most valuable when experiences and results are shared between farms. If you have a suitable trial underway, we plan to create opportunities to discuss the trial with like-minded farmers who are doing similar things on their own farms. We also have some resource within the project to assist with trials, so we may be able to undertake crop assessments and yield map analysis to help you learn as much as possible from your trial.
Alternatively, if you do not currently have a trial underway but are thinking of running one in the 2022/23 season, we may be able to help with trial design and finding like-minded farmers to work with.
If you have a trial underway on cultivations, drilling or cover crops, or if you are planning one for next season click make sure you are signed in and click the 'request to join' button opposite, or contact Susie.roques@adas.co.uk.