Dairy Cows

Find out how building genetics into your breeding programme can maintain herd strengths and address areas of weakness.

Follow this link to all the AHDB resources on dairy breeding and genetics. Genetics help predict characteristics and traits of the next generation of cows. Use these resources and explore genetics to maximise the efficiency and sustainability of your herd.

Attached to this page are downloadable PDFs of:

The Genetics Workbook - Unlocking your dairy herd's breeding potential

Breeding Briefs - Guide to making better decisions using genetics

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We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

Dairy production is a critical component of the agriculture industry focused on the sustainable production of milk and milk-derived products.

The livestock industry is an integral part of the agricultural sector, encompassing various aspects of animal husbandry and production. It plays an important role in global food security and supports the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

Livestock populations provide people with a variety of products and services, including meat, milk, eggs, fibre and draught power, in a wide range of environments. This diversity of function is only possible because of the diversity of their genetic make-up.