GWCT is a leading UK charity conducting conservation science to enhance the British countryside for public benefit.

For over 80 years we have been researching and developing game and wildlife management techniques. We use our research to provide training and advice on how best to improve the biodiversity of the countryside

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Great to have a long-form discussion on food, farming, the environment & sustainability with the Royal Geographical Society. Discussing the Allerton project.

We desperately need less 10-second soundbites & to discuss these huge issues in the round; I’m proud of this effort...



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Practical sustainable farming regardless of labels.

This book examines, discusses and shares over 30 years’ worth of research from the Allerton Proje

Tell us how you are improving your soils. Share useful resources, organisations and initiatives.

Soil health has been broken down into measurable parts to help farmers optimise crop and grassland productivity. As part of the Soil Biology and Soil Health Partnership, a project in the AHDB & BBRO GREAT Soils programme, guidance and protocols have been issued to help practitioners benchmark their soils

Helping you protect your soil and improve its productivity.  AHDB's GREATSoils inititiative brings together practical information on soil management as well as links to soils research and knowledge exchange. Whether you need an introduction to soil biology or a detailed guide to improving field drainage, AHDB has information and guidance to support you. 


‘Healthy soil, Healthy food and Healthy people’

Although the term management implies direct manipulation, the practice of wildlife conservation and management includes efforts aimed at preserving or restoring rare species and their habitats and indirect manipulation of wildlife populations through modification of habitat or resources. From: Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008

Recording from session at Groundswell 2022 with summary below from Agricology

The Allerton Project researches the effects of different farming methods on wildlife and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. This is undertaken on our 320 hectare demonstration farm based in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.

This book examines, discusses and shares over 30 years’ worth of research from the Allerton Project, a research and demonstration farm in the UK which has been carrying out applied interdisciplinary research to explore and explain the need to adapt the management of farmland for environmental protection and to provide public benefits.

One of the few positives from the current fertiliser crisis is that it will at least force al

Webinar hosted by GWCT with David Powlson - watch the video below.

Talk by Alastair Leake at IFS Agronomic Conference 2021. Farming systems employ differe

Help us collate the knowledge sources, organisations and initiatives out there that are seeking to improve the farmed environment

As custodians of the landscape all farmers have responsibility to the wildlife and nature on their farms.  There are many networks, organisations, advisors and initiatives seeking to help farmers enhance wildlife and biodiversity. Increasingly this is being supported by Defra through ELMS and Local Nature Recovery schemes 

Regenerative Agriculture - Understanding the opportunities and challenges 25th - 26th April 2023 Hilton York in York city centre & Online

A must-attend event for anyone with an interest in the role biochar will play in the future agricultural landscape. Run by The Allerton Project.

New for 2023 - BASIS BETA Conservation Management is being updated to the Certificate in Sustainable Land Management to run alongside a shorter introductory course – The Principles of Sustainable Land Management.  

The trial will evaluate the long-term effects of pulses in an arable rotation, particularly the effect on available N to following crops. Objectives are: To evaluate the effects of winter beans, winter bean/ winter wheat intercrop and spring beans on soil nitrogen supply annually over 5 years. To evaluate the effects of species and species mixtures on GHG emissions. To evaluate impacts on soil structure and health resulting from cropping differences.

GWCT slides developed to share with educators who lead agriculture degree courses at the AUC Educators Retreat 2023.

Today we’re going to be talking with Lucy Cottingham, Agrii UK digital agronomy development manager, Steve Portas agronomist and Northern technical advisor and Josh Murphy, RHIZA product manager.  Agriculture is a very significant emitter of CO2 and today we are going to be talking about an innovative project called Nitrogen Climate Smart, which aims to bring about a reduction of 1.5mt of CO2 emissions per annum. The aim is to increase pulse and legume crops in arable cropping to 20%, the benefits of which to both arable and livestock enterprises could lead to cost savings over £1m per year. Let’s learn more about this innovative project and what it could mean for your farm business.