fertiliser spreader

Review conducted by ADAS and funded by AHDB into how farmers should respond to the high fertiliser (& grain) prices experienced in 2022.

The fourth part of a multi-stage review of how the arable cropping industry can best respond to the recent sharp increases in prices and availability of manufactured fertilisers has been released.

Funded by UK Flour Millers and authored by ADAS crop physiologists Prof Roger Sylvester-Bradley and Dr Sarah Clarke, this part focused the milling wheat market – where the grain protein content affects the price received by farmers. The report builds on earlier parts of the review and explores how to manage late nitrogen application in milling wheat.

The review considered:

  • historic trends in grain protein of wheat
  • responses of milling wheat crops to fertiliser nitrogen applied in spring and later in summer
  • premiums paid for achieving protein levels that exceed fixed thresholds

The review concluded that milling wheat growers should temper their decisions on late applications of extra nitrogen (N) in 2022 according to

  1. the premium on offer for exceeding the protein threshold
  2. whether they have reduced their spring nitrogen applications due to high prices in 2022
  3. whether late nitrogen has usually been used in the past
  4. the farm’s past success in meeting the criteria for premium payment

Read the full Part 4 report

Contact Prof Roger Sylvester-Bradley roger.sylvester-bradley@adas.co.uk or Dr Sarah Clarke sarah.clarke@adas.co.uk for more information.

Previous reports

Part one

The first part addressed how to adjust nitrogen rates in response to increases in nitrogen fertiliser prices and included an assessment of the impact of these changes on the yield of wheat, barley and oilseed rape.

Read the full Part One report

Part two

Building on part one, this report assessed the impact on other aspects of fertiliser management and includes information on:

  • Which crops, fields and nitrogen splits to prioritise
  • The influence of expected yield
  • Management of organic materials
  • Achieving milling and malting specification
  • The value of precision nitrogen use
  • Calculating the nitrogen price
  • Management of other nutrients
  • Longer-term implications

Read the full Part Two report

Part three

Part three examines whether the wheat and barley findings are appropriate for the oats sector and, if not, how oats growers can best respond to the current prices and availability of manufactured fertilisers.

Read the full Part Three report

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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

Nitrogen is required annually by most crops (except pulses) to achieve yield and quality. Judging how much N to apply is a key part of nutrient management.

We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

Plants need around 12 essential mineral nutrients to grow: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo).

Farmers, advisors and researchers working together to understand and improve crop nutrition on-farm

  The flour milling industry plays a vital role in feeding and nourishing the nation – flour is an ingredient in 30% of supermarket foods. UK Flour Millers is proud of the part it plays in ensuring the industry continues to operate efficiently and reliably so that everyone can enjoy their daily bread. 

Share your ideas and experience of how to improve nutrient efficiency and reduce dependence on artificial fertilisers

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