We help farmers grow naturally stronger plants, increase crop yields & immunity, and eliminate over-reliance on the use of harmful chemicals.  

envirolizer® is a natural mineral plant growth enhancer and adaptogen.  It contains finely micronized and augmented natural calcite. Fully certified as organic input and fulfils the requirements of Demeter International as well as listed in the EU Input Lists.

The farmers' ultimate solution for plant growth, made from 100% Natural Minerals.

  • envirolizer® (Micronized Calcite) is a general plant booster and foliar fertilizer. EC 1907/2006 (Reach)
  • The product contains micronized natural calcite minerals (calcium and magnesium carbonate containing trace minerals from 100% natural calcite) with an average particle size of 5 μm produced by our group’s proprietary advanced micronization technology. envirolizer® consists of calcite (calcium carbonate), quartz (silicon dioxide), and calcite-related minerals such as dolomite [magnesium calcium carbonate; CaMg(CO3)2], ankerite [CaM(CO3)2; M= Mn, Zn, Fe], etc.
  • Due to the especially effective supply of plants with calcium and silicon, envirolizer® provides a profound plant boosting, and very effective additional calcium, silicon, and other nutrients (Mg, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mo) fertilization.
  • envirolizer® is an innovative way as a natural plant supplement. In a special procedure of preparation, the so-called dynamic process of formulation, calcite particles collide at high speed and are reduced into microbic small pieces and obtain an energetic charge. The particle's surface gets significantly enlarged. These micronised particles can be absorbed by leaves and hereby reach and enter the stomata, where the different kinds of nutrients are released. 
  • The water-dissolved envirolizer® gets absorbed directly and causes an improved metabolism and promotes photosynthetic activity as the nutrients (Ca2+, HCO3-, Mg2+, micro-elements etc.) diffuse respectively as they reach inside the leaf's cells.
  • envirolizer® can be used in arable farming, pomiculture, vegetable growing, viniculture, commercial timberlands, cultivation of ornamental plants, lawns etc. 

Primary benefits of using the product 

  • Effective foliar calcium fertilization (various plant disorders due to calcium deficiencies)
  • General plant boosting due to efficient foliar fertilization with calcium (Ca), silicon (Si), and other (micro)nutrients (Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu, Mo) which is shown through:
  1. Reinforced photosynthesis (subsequently main biosynthesis products: starch, cellulose, lignin, etc.);
  2. Enhanced plant viability;
  3. Increased resistance to negative effects of high environmental temperatures and hydro-stress (e.g. at high temperatures, >40 oC);
  4. Increased resistance to plant diseases, especially fungal ones;
  5. Increased biosynthesis of secondary metabolism products (terpenes, alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins, auxins, resins, triglycerides, etc.);
  6. Enhanced uptake of nutrients and better absorption (added into the soil by common fertilization) leads to improved fertilization economy; and, as a result of (a-f),
  7. Significantly improved plant growing productivity (either through a crop yield and crop quality or through reinforcement of plant growth at forests or ornamental plants. 
  8. Progression of growing speed (higher metabolic activity)
  9. Shortening of periods of vegetation
  10. Better quality of fruits (more efficient transport of nutrients)
  11. Increased crop yield
  12. Enhances fruit’s dry substance - better transportability and storability
  13. Progression of healthy nutrient content (vitamins, minerals, antioxidants)



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