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Business and Innovation Mentoring Course from Farm491 and RAU.

We’re excited to launch our very own online course which can be accessed by any entrepreneur across the world. The course encompasses four interactive modules which will see you develop your business plan and understanding of your customers

Completing the course will equip you with the relevant business planning tools and resources needed to grow your business. The aim at the end of the course is for you to leave with a structured strategy based around your company mission, vision and values.

There is also an option to purchase Farm491’s Business Innovation Course with mentoring. This course option gives you access to all four modules and two interactive online sessions with Rod Horrocks, an established business advisor. The mentoring course will have limited numbers to ensure the group sizes are kept small for the bespoke sessions.

Who are the courses for?

The courses are relevant for many individuals and businesses ranging from:

  • Early stage entrepreneurs and their teams
  • Established businesses looking to refresh their business plan
  • Businesses looking to innovate their current offering and explore new products
  • Larger companies wanting their employees to learn how to build a business
  • And many more – please get in touch via if you would like to discuss if the courses are right for you

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Where Growing and Innovation Meet. Let’s Grow Business, Farm491 is a UK based leading technology incubator and innovation space focused on the future of farming and food systems.