
Soilmentor helps you learn what healthy soils and flourishing biodiversity look like on your farm. Understand changes on your land above & below ground, make informed decisions and keep everyone in the loop.

The Soilmentor Regen Platform supports you to track 10 ‘Regen Indicators’, designed to represent various key aspects of soil health. Your results appear in a dashboard, so you can quickly visually assess how your soil performs against benchmarks and other farms in the same environmental biome as yours. If you identify problem areas in any of the Regen Indicators measured, you can explore each metric further. Learn with regenerative pointers from Nicole, bespoke to your soil type, on how to improve your soil in each area. 

The Regen Platform was made in collaboration with world-renowned soil specialist and author, Nicole Masters, and the rest of the fantastic team at Integrity Soils. Build a regenerative mindset, turning your results into actions with Nicole’s expert guidance and tips built into the platform.

Browse the Soilmentor subscription options to find the right fit for your farm here, and do get in touch on info@vidacycle.com if you have any questions about the app!

Soilmentor Regen Platform from vidacycle on Vimeo.


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Soilmentor helps you learn what healthy soils & flourishing biodiversity look like on your farm. Understand changes on your land above & below ground, make informed decisions and keep everyone in the loop.