Catchment Sensitive Farming is a free farm advice programme funded by the UK government. It works with farmers, communities, and organisations across England to improve the quality of water, air, and sustainable water management.

CSF aims to improve the quality of water, air, and sustainable water management in England by providing farmers and landowners with free advice, training, and grant support in the following areas: 

  • Soil management 

  • Nutrient, slurry, and manure management 

  • Ammonia reduction 

  • Farm infrastructure and machinery set-up 

  • Pesticide handling 

  • Water resources and natural flood management 

  • Local environmental priorities 

  • Land management 



CSF works in river catchments across England, where local teams engage farmers, landowners and the wider community through local events, national shows, e-mail campaigns, phone calls, and on-site visits. Engagement within these catchments is often prioritised based on the environmental issues in these areas. 

The CSF programme also works with partners, such as local trusts, authorities, trade bodies and water companies, throughout England, to monitor and improve the condition of landscapes and water courses. Work with partners includes developing tools, media campaigns, and conservation projects that support catchment objectives. 

CSF advisers will only provide advice and grant approval (for schemes such as Countryside Stewardship), and do not enforce government regulation. 


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