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NCS Project ‘Nitrogen Efficient Plants for Climate Smart Arable Cropping Systems’ in which farmers are working with scientists to achieve the best from pulse crops and reduce their carbon emissions.

A webinar to bring leading growers together with scientists to begin to explore the pulses of brilliance – ways and means for soils to thrive, crop yields to build and livestock productivity to flourish through better use and marketing of home-grown pulses and legumes.

At the webinar on June 15, Roger Vickers, chief executive of PGRO, who lead the NCS project, will introduce the project and offer a brief insight into world-leading experimental platforms that have explored the potential of pulse crops.

Scientists and tech innovators involved in the project will open a window on their fascinating findings and explain how farmers involved in the project will be supported as they implement changes to their cropping and livestock rations.

And we’ll be bringing in farmers who are already seeing the results of changes they’ve made into a live discussion with scientists. Webinar attendees will then be invited to bring their own pulses of brilliance into the conversation.

The ideas raised during the webinar will provide the basis for a brand-new programme of on-farm trials in which Pulse Pioneers will be paid to monitor their progress. Cutting-edge technology will be brought in to put new knowledge to the test, measure increases in productivity & track reductions in carbon emissions.

Registration Page : https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_DVfyvhonSsqhkwxT2hY_nQ#/registration


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