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Spray application

The biennial International Advances in Pesticide Application is the pre-eminent conference aimed at researchers, advisors, manufacturers, practitioners and regulators in this subject area from around the world. It provides an opportunity for networking and sharing ideas in an informal and collegial atmosphere for all those with an interest in pesticide application technology, its influence on the performance of plant protection products and human and environmental exposures to pesticides.  

This conference will cover a very wide range of research, from traditional topics such as spray drift and sprayer testing, through precision application techniques,  to new and emerging spray delivery platforms such as autonomous vehicles, both air and ground-based. Meeting sessions are outlined below.


Presentations are encouraged across the research spectrum, from academic studies, including modelling and theoretical approaches, to practical testing and demonstration.


Any papers submitted as full Offers will be published in 'Aspects of Applied Biology' and will be eligible to provide an oral presentation. Any later-submitted abstracts will be offered the opportunity to present a short talk and poster presentation. As a hybrid event we welcome submissions from both in-person and online delegates.

Download Draft Schedule (PDF): August 8th 2023

New deadline for Submission of Poster Offers.

We now invite submissions for abstracts to be considered for a short talk (2-5minutes) and a poster presentation. People who do not submit a full Aspects paper will not be invited to provide a full oral presentation. 

If you have any questions about this please contact Geraint Parry (geraint@aab.org.uk).

Deadline for submission of Poster Abstract: October 1st

Submit Poster Offers Here

Meeting organisers are in discussion with the editors of peer-reviewed Annals of Applied Biology to publish a Special Issue of the journal that is linked to IAPA24.

This might include invited submissions from the authors of 'Aspects' papers. As such the internal 'Aspects' review process will provide a source of 'early-review' for papers that may be eligible for full publication in Annals. Details for these submissions will be confirmed over coming months.   

Registration opens August 1st 2023

Already registered?

Registration for in-person delegates closes on December 11th 2023

Registration for online delegates closes on January 25th 2024 (credit card payments only after January 8th)

The conference is organised by the AAB Pesticide Application Group.

Contact AAB

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The application of agrochemicals by modern crop sprayers involves sophisticated technologies applied by skilled operators.