Cattle in a field

The development of a forage network which will recommend a pathway to gaining optimum benefits from forages through realistic actions​. This project, which runs from September 2023 for 6 months, will:

  • Bring together a network of stakeholders to understand the best approach for improving forage systems, considering potential opportunities and barriers to uptake​
  • Create a roadmap, which can be used to achieve benefits for livestock sectors through changes in forage systems​

This is a project commissioned by DEFRA, involving three project partners, ADAS, SRUC and The John Innes Centre.


The project involves four research questions:

  1. Why are certain promising forage crops underutilised? How can evidence gaps and other barriers be overcome to enhance utilisation? ​

  2. What methods are required to provide improved forage systems, providing optimum sustainability, resilience, and productivity benefits? Where are the research capabilities that could deliver these improvements? ​

  3. How can improved forage systems be used in combination with other management systems, such as silvopasture (e.g. willow)? ​

  4. What are the public good arguments for developing improved forage systems? 


All current and new literature will be reviewed to establish all the latest knowledge and technology relating to forage systems.

A network of researchers and stakeholders will be established in order to understand forage systems in practice and uncover knowledge gaps.

Findings and information relating to the project will be shared on FarmPEP, through this page and related topic and organisation pages. Information and links to the relevant FarmPEP pages will also be shared through social media channels.

Finally, a roadmap for improving forage systems will be produced.


Please see below the videos of the stakeholder workshop held as a part of this project:


Presentation of Project Findings:

Group Discussion Key Points:

Access a PDF of the presentation slides below.

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Really exciting project that has huge potential to enhance livestock systems.


What are the barriers to implementation of improved forage systems such as silvopasture and mob grazing?


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