Have your say on future animal welfare schemes

Cow shed

ADAS and Defra are inviting dairy, beef, laying hens, sheep, and pig farmers to take part in a Defra-funded survey on animal welfare standards. Your views will be used to develop a future Defra funded payment-by-results scheme which will reward farmers for achieving better standards of animal welfare on farm.

The survey will ask you to consider a range of options aimed at delivering welfare improvements that are specific to your main farming enterprise. We would like you to complete a survey on your preferences for different scheme formats and payment prices offered. This will inform future policy and help Defra understand which options you prefer. The options could be an action to take (such as reducing stocking density) or a final outcome (reduced mortality), or a combination of both.

Your participation in this survey is voluntary and you’re free to withdraw at any time during or after you submit your responses. The survey should take around 20 minutes to complete and can be accessed here https://surveys.qaresearch.co.uk/public.asp.

All your responses and data will be stored securely by ADAS and Qa Research and anonymised to remove any details that could identify you or your farm.

If you’d like to see the Privacy Notice that covers this research this can be viewed online at: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/environment-agency/about/personal-information-charter

We would greatly appreciate if you could find the time to complete the survey.

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