
How can data be used to improve farm animal health and welfare? Take this free training course from the University of Edinburgh.

This free, short, online course aims to up-skill farm animal professionals based in Scotland and the rest of world, in data science, allowing participants to utilise and interpret on-farm data and apply it to health, productivity and welfare improvements.

The course contains video lectures, data tutorials, interviews, and online reading materials (PDFs), delivered by researchers and industry experts.

This course has been made possible through funding by The Data Lab

Access the course HERE.

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Agriculture now generates vast amounts of data of different types and at different scales. The ownership, access, control, sharing, value, permissioning, intergration, security, safeguarding and sovereignty of this data represent multiple challenges and opportunities for the sector.

The livestock industry is an integral part of the agricultural sector, encompassing various aspects of animal husbandry and production. It plays an important role in global food security and supports the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

Animal health is integral to the sustainability, profitability, and ethical considerations of livestock farming. It involves a combination of preventative measures, good management practices, and veterinary care to ensure that animals are raised in a manner that is both economically viable and environmentally responsible while prioritizing their well-being and public health.

If you’re responsible for a farm animal you must make sure that you care for it properly. (DEFRA)