ADAS Natural Solutions Logo

ADAS Natural Solutions brings together various in-house services to deliver a bespoke solutions based on the requirements of your business. Whether you are looking to increase your biodiversity or achieve net zero, our dedicated team can work with you to create, restore and manage both natural and modified ecosystems. 

Our team of specialist include policy advisers, data scientists, strategists, negotiators, managers and on-site specialists who can help to deliver practical enhancements of ecosystems that protect and increase the sustainability of your business. Each business is assigned a dedicated project manager, ensuring effective communication and planning.

Our dedicated team can work with you to provide a wide range of solutions including: 

·        Creating a long-term strategy to deliver the best results and reduce risks 

·        Advising on more sustainable land management

·        Finding and securing land to restore ecosystem functions or enhance nature

·        Accessing funding for the best nature-based solution for your land

·        Designing, creating or restoring habitatssuch as peatland, wetland, grassland or coastal restoration or woodland creation.  

·        Managing, monitoring and reporting on your natural solutions and their benefits

·        Ensuring a holistic approach with stakeholders and the landscape

·        Exploring associated development opportunities for a sustainable income

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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

There are around 3.2M ha of woodland in the UK. This is set to increase substantially over the coming years due to a range of policy, social, environmental and commercial drivers, including Net Zero, Biodiversity Net Gain, ELMs, Local nature recovery plans and carbon trading.

Opportunities are increasing for farmers and land managers to earn revenues from storing carbon in soils or vegetation, or by reducing baseline GHG emissions from crop and livestock production.

Natural capital refers to the stock of natural resources and ecosystems that provide essential benefits and services to agriculture. In the context of farming, natural capital encompasses the fertile soil, clean water, biodiversity, pollinators, and healthy ecosystems that play a crucial role in sustaining crop and livestock production. These natural assets are the foundation of agricultural sustainability, productivity, and resilience.

The ADAS Climate and Sustainability team help clients to address their sustainability challenges.

RSK is a global leader in the delivery of sustainable solutions. Our family of over 150 environmental, engineering and technical services businesses works together to provide practical solutions to some of the greatest challenges societies have ever faced.   

One of the schemes of ELMs

Payments for environmental goods and services

Biodiversity encompasses all the variety of life on Earth from genes to species, populations, communities and ecosystems. In ecological and environmental sectors, we mostly refer to the biodiversity of plant and animal communities within particular habitats.

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As custodians of the landscape all farmers have responsibility to the wildlife and nature on their farms.  There are many networks, organisations, advisors and initiatives seeking to help farmers enhance wildlife and biodiversity. Increasingly this is being supported by Defra through ELMS and Local Nature Recovery schemes 

Land use refers to the way that land is used and managed for various purposes, such as agriculture, housing, industry, and recreation.