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The Cereal YEN was established in 2012, and is the longest-running Yield Enhancement Network.

By joining the Cereal YEN, you will be able to benchmark your crops performance against other members, attend workshops with experienced farmers, agronomists and scientists, and be eligible for the YEN Awards at the annual conference.

All members will be provided with a comprehensive report, detailing how their crop performed and where improvements could be made.



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Agriculture now generates vast amounts of data of different types and at different scales. The ownership, access, control, sharing, value, permissioning, intergration, security, safeguarding and sovereignty of this data represent multiple challenges and opportunities for the sector.


The Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was launched in 2012 to support and energise on-farm learning-by-sharing and thus to enhance farming progress.

We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

The challenges of food security, climate change and sustainable development present exciting opportunities for agricultural research and innovation. The NIAB Group is the UK’s fastest growing crop science organisation, having trebled in size over the past decade through a strategic programme of investment, merger and acquisition.

Industry Leading Agronomists.  With many farming clients, representing over one million hectares, Hutchinsons are a leading agricultural and horticultural input advice and supply company.

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  The flour milling industry plays a vital role in feeding and nourishing the nation – flour is an ingredient in 30% of supermarket foods. UK Flour Millers is proud of the part it plays in ensuring the industry continues to operate efficiently and reliably so that everyone can enjoy their daily bread. 

Syngenta UK is a leading agribusiness committed to sustainable agriculture through innovative research and technology.

Crop yield has been a major subject of research and industrial improvement for decades.  The YENs have set out a framework for understoanding yield in terms of capture and conversion of the major resources light and water. Temperature plays a role in crop development and can also have a substantial impact on growth and yields.

At the root of all the best seed varieties.

Anonymised YEN report from 2021 showing what each YEN entrant recieves for their crop.

Crop physiology is the study of how plants function and respond to their environment. It involves understanding the factors that affect crop growth and development, such as light, temperature, water, and nutrients, and the physiological mechanisms that plants use to adapt to their environment, such as photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. 

Wheat is the most widly grown crop in the UK. Nationally yields average around 8 t/ha/

You need to measure to be able to manage. Yet most farms for most crops don't have a systematic approach to monitoring their crops through the season. This means we lose the opportunity to compare across fields, farms and years. There are now a suite of technologies to sense crops and the ability to share data across farms, providing the opportunity to learn what works on-farm.

Benchmarking is at the core of the YENs and the FarmPEP approach

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An innovative mixed farm in Oxfordshire is working with applied researchers at NIAB and ADAS to explore whether precision planting of wheat can increase yield, compared to conventional seed drilling in rows. The project is supported by Defra through the Farming Innovation Programme, delivered in partnership with Innovate UK.

YEN Conference, 21st January 2025