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The Oilseed YEN network is striving to help the whole industry to successfully grow Oilseed rape (OSR) and Linseed from start to finish – providing a better outlook for both crops into the future. 

In most regions of the UK, we estimate that with the right husbandry and variety, OSR crops have a potential yield of around 9 t/ha. Leading farms and research trials for OSR often achieve in excess of 5 t/ha and over 4 t/ha for winter linseed. However, the average commercial farm produces even less - around 3 t/ha for OSR and 2 t/ha for spring linseed. There has been little increase in over 10 years. This network is striving to address how to maximise yields in all situations.


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Agriculture now generates vast amounts of data of different types and at different scales. The ownership, access, control, sharing, value, permissioning, intergration, security, safeguarding and sovereignty of this data represent multiple challenges and opportunities for the sector.


The Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was launched in 2012 to support and energise on-farm learning-by-sharing and thus to enhance farming progress.

ADAS has the largest group of crop physiologists in the UK The ADAS crop physiology team focuses on improving performance and sustainability of cropping systems for food, feed and biofuel production.

We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

Oilseed Rape is the most widely grown break crop in the UK. The seed is crushed to produce vegetable oil and the remaining rapeseed meal is a high protein animal feed. 

Crop yield has been a major subject of research and industrial improvement for decades.  The YENs have set out a framework for understoanding yield in terms of capture and conversion of the major resources light and water. Temperature plays a role in crop development and can also have a substantial impact on growth and yields.

DSV has been established in the UK for over 40 years with an exemplary track record of providing the best seed for many popular agricultural crops including oilseed rape, grasses, winter wheat, barley, maize, cover crops, lupins and linseed.

Establishment in Oilseed Rape key - this extension to the Oilseed YEN aims to encourage growers to share what works in successfully establishing OSR crops, with a 'Beauty Contest' to make it fun. 

Crop physiology is the study of how plants function and respond to their environment. It involves understanding the factors that affect crop growth and development, such as light, temperature, water, and nutrients, and the physiological mechanisms that plants use to adapt to their environment, such as photosynthesis, respiration, and transpiration. 


You need to measure to be able to manage. Yet most farms for most crops don't have a systematic approach to monitoring their crops through the season. This means we lose the opportunity to compare across fields, farms and years. There are now a suite of technologies to sense crops and the ability to share data across farms, providing the opportunity to learn what works on-farm.

YEN Conference, 21st January 2025