Established in 1971, Cambridge based Delta-T Devices specialises in measurement sensors and monitoring systems for agriculture and horticulture.

One of our key areas of expertise is soil measurement (moisture, temperature and pore water conductivity), and we have more than 30 years’ experience in developing robust, and accurate soil and substrate sensors. We also design and manufacture a comprehensive range of data loggers, meteorological sensors and weather stations, alongside provision of an advanced cloud-based data management and display platform. Our sensors and comms systems are routinely used to provide high quality data to power smart irrigation and environmental control systems.

Delta-T Devices is a high-tech cooperative, owned and managed by the members who work within it. Co-operative working creates a highly professional environment in which all Delta-T Devices staff participate in the challenges of the business and benefit from its success.

We take pride in operating at the cutting edge of the agriculture technology arena and maintaining the strong customer-oriented focus that has always been central to our philosophy.

Delta-T Devices produces a comprehensive range of research-grade instruments widely used in agriculture and commercial horticulture, these include:

WET-2 Sensor and WET Kit 

The compact WET Sensor measures 3 crucial variables that influence plant growth: soil water content, temperature and pore water conductivity (ECp), the EC of the water that is available to the plant.

The WET Sensor is used throughout horticulture, especially by soft fruit growers and for crops grown in protected environments, where correct growing conditions are critical to both yield and flavour. It can be inserted directly into the growing medium with minimal disturbance to either roots or shoots, and provides crucial data for process optimisation, checking growing condition uniformity and precision irrigation.

WET Sensor explainer Video

More information on the WET-2 Sensor


SS1 SunScan Canopy Analysis System

The SunScan System measures photosynthetically active radiation (P.A.R) in plant canopies - and provides direct display of Leaf Area Index (L.A.I). The system is modular, easy to use, and gives valuable information about plant growth and biomass production.

SunScan explainer video

An Introduction to the SunScan Canopy Analysis System by Delta-T's Dr John Newstead

More information on the SunsScan System


WET150 Multi-Parameter SDI-12 Sensor

The WET150 is a digital SDI-12 sensor that is ideal for horticulture and agriculture system integration. when buried, it measures the soil/substrate moisture, temperature and pore water electrical conductivity (a strong indicator of the general nutrient levels).

A key strength of the WET150 being SDI-12 enabled is that it supports the connection of large number of networked sensors to a single input on an SDI-12 master device.

WET150 explainer Video

More information on the WET150 Sensor


GP2 Data Logger and Controller (SDI-12 enabled)

The GP2 Data Logger is a powerful monitoring and control solution for irrigation and fertigation – enabling simple or sophisticated models and multiple zone control (up to 6 relays). It has 12 differential (or 24 single ended) channels.

The GP2 Data Logger can log most sensor types and accepts voltage, resistance, current, potentiometer, counter, frequency, and digital state inputs.

The GP2’s analog inputs can be fully customised. Each channel can have its own input type and recording parameters. DeltaLINK software gives the user control over reading frequency, thresholds and units, and provides statistical recording options for Average, Minimum, Maximum, Standard Deviation and more.

More information on the GP2 Logger  


DeltaLINK-Cloud (online data management platform)

DeltaLINK-Cloud is a sophisticated and secure online data viewing, management and sharing platform for Delta-T Devices data loggers.

Using DeltaLINK-Cloud, consultants and growers can monitor, organise and share their sensor data with ease. A key feature is that real-time data can be viewed remotely on mobile phones (and other smart devices) via animated dashboards.

More information on DeltaLINK-Cloud



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