Let’s Talk Agriculture is a fast-growing public relations and communications company providing practical communications counsel to the agricultural sector.

We are comprised of professionals with a strong background in agriculture, who each possess specialized skills addressing your communications needs with our primary focus on developing effective and creative strategies that effectively communicate the benefits of your products, services, or organizations.

As an independent firm, we represent your interests as we engage key audiences and expand awareness to create “organic” influencers using the most effective methods.

Reach out to for:

✅ Podcast Advertising

✅ Publicity & Media Engagement 

✅ Social Media Management

✅ Documentary Video

✅ Event Management

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Book podcast: podcast@letstalkagriculture.com

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Connected Content

The farming press is a very important route to disseminating knowledge across the industry.  A range of newsletters serving a host of communities help keep people up to date. Share here sources of news and info that you find most useful.

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.

There are increasing numbers of podcasts and video channels available across agriculture. Share and recommend your favourites here.