The John Innes Centre is an independent, international centre of excellence in plant science, genetics and microbiology
Trinity's next generation global farm platform empowering everyone to learn, collaborate, and discover together
We help farmers grow naturally stronger plants, increase crop yields & immunity, and eliminate over-reliance on the use of harmful chemicals.
envirolizer® is a natural mineral plant growth…
Delivering world-class science for our partners, for the future. Fera Science Ltd (Fera), pioneers in original thinking applied, driving innovative products and techniques to identify and detect…
Potash Development Association (PDA) is an independent organisation, formed in 1984, to provide technical information and advice in the UK and Ireland. It is supported by ICL UK Sales & Cleveland…
My name is Kevin Milner and I would like to take this opportunity of introducing you to the services I offer as a specialist Farming and Estate Photographer.
I am a fully qualified and CAA licensed…
We work to bring together unusual combinations of voices in order to devise a range of practical actions that can have significant impact on our climate, nature, health and economy.
Safety management software for farming businesses. We help UK agribusinesses keep on top of their compliance obligations by making record keeping simple.
Crop Angel Ltd is a company developing UAVs (drones) for practical agricultural applications, particularly for aerial spraying of chemicals. This will be carried out on sensitive sites where any…
Digital agriculture is no longer a trend, but has arrived on many fields & farms across the globe. SKYFLD supports you with planning and monitoring your crops, production of high-quality food…
KisanHub provides software to suppliers of fresh produce and food production companies, enabling them to transform their supply chain and improve margins by increasing visibility of their crops…