'Department for food and rural affairs' written in black text

This strategy sets out DEFRA's 10 year plan to help pollinating insects survive and thrive. Published in 2014.

Our pollinators are vital for food production and biodiversity and they face a range of pressures from habitat loss to pests and diseases. The strategy includes information on the current evidence, and policy actions to support and protect the many pollinating insects which contribute to our food production and the diversity of our environment. It also explains what research is planned to find out more about the current state of our pollinators and how we can protect them.

Pollinating insects include many different species of bees and other insects such as hoverflies, beetles, flies, butterflies and moths.


More information, with updates on how the strategy has worked since 2014 can be found on the Goverment website.


You can read more about pollinators via the following links.

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