WeedManager preview

Online guide to identifying arable weeds from ADAS, AHDB and BASF


This on-line encyclopaedia is substantially based on Weed Manager, which was developed by ADAS, BASF, Bayer CropScience, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, HGCA, Rothamsted Research, SAC, SRI and Syngenta under the Sustainable Arable LINK (Government sponsor DEFRA).

The information here is consistent with that in the AHDB Encyclopedia of Arable Weeds.


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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is based on a diversity of pest management measures (prevention, non-chemical control, best practices for optimizing pesticide efficiency, etc.). These are combined at the farm level to enable reduced reliance on pesticides, and therefore a decrease in the exposure of the environment and people to pesticides.

We deliver transformational projects to drive productivity and boost farming and supply chain businesses. We want the industry to thrive in a rapidly changing world and continue to produce high quality food, maintain our beautiful landscape and leave a legacy for generations to come. 

A weed can have many definitions, one being, any plant growing in a place it is not wanted. This topic focuses mainly on weeds affecting agriculture. Generally weeds are classified into two groups: grass-weeds (e.g Black-grass, Italian ryegrass, Bromes) and broad-leaved weeds (e.g Mayweed, Chickweed, Poppy, Cleavers). 

Crop protection refers to practices and measures employed in agriculture to safeguard crops from both biotic (pests, diseases and weeds) and abiotic (environmental factors) stresses. They key goal of crop production is to maintain crop productivity, health and quality whilst minimising yield losses.

ADAS scientists help evidence and guide crop disease management by chemical, genetic and biological approaches. Our expertise covers all areas of disease management on the major crops. We lead multi-organisation collaborative research into disease management and preventation, as well as provide strategic consultancy.  

  Decision Support Systems (DSS) in agriculture are computer-based tools designed to assist farmers, agricultural managers, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions related to various aspects of agricultural production and management.

Some of the commercially available digital tools & software include: Fieldview - Bayer Granular - Corteva Xarvio - BASF John Deere Operations Centre Omnia Agleader SMS Breedr Fieldmargin Yagro Geopard AgAnalytics Data Baler Agrible Habiterre Combyne MyFarms CropTrak Trinity Agtech - Sandy AgTools Agricircle   Join this page to add and edit  

Herbicide resistance is the inherited ability of a weed to survive a rate of herbicide which would be lethal to a member of the normal population. It can develop over time based on repeated selection pressure imposed on the weed. This selection pressure changes the population from susceptible to resistant. Herbicide resistance is becoming an increasing problem in UK agriculture, in both grass weeds and broad-leaf weeds. See also the general topic on herbicides.

AHDB Guide published in 2018.