
A collection of factsheets

Output from the European POWER project 

This handbook aims to create a common toolbox of knowledge-based strategies for organic pig producers and presents best practice examples from across Europe for inspiration. Thereby, we wish to facilitate the continuous development of an economically competitive production, which meets the principles of organic farming. We hope that we succeeded and that you, organic pig producers and advisors across Europe, will find the handbook informative, inspiring and valuable!

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There are around 4.76 million pigs kept on agricultural holdings in the UK. With the UK pork market valued at £1.44 billion in 2020 (Statista). 

The livestock industry is an integral part of the agricultural sector, encompassing various aspects of animal husbandry and production. It plays an important role in global food security and supports the livelihoods of millions of people worldwide.

Organic is a system of farming and food production. Organic farmers aim to produce high-quality food, using methods that benefit our whole food system, from people to planet, plant health to animal welfare.

Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share information, resources, tools and experiences on the multifaceted dimensions of how farming intersects with the environment.

If you’re responsible for a farm animal you must make sure that you care for it properly. (DEFRA)

Proper housing is essential for the well-being, health, and productivity of livestock, as well as for the efficient management of farm operations. The type of housing and its design can vary depending on the species of livestock, climate, and specific management goals.