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Pre-registration sign up: https://forms.office.com/e/D3gRpBrpFg

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Thursday 4th July 2024, 10am-midday

Nr. Bridgham, Norfolk  https://w3w.co/tastings.perfectly.cheetahs

Light refreshments available

Ecorobotix technology overview

The Ecorobotix technology is the only ultra-high precision smart sprayer on the market. It enables ultra-high precision spraying of herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or liquid fertilisers reducing plant product use by up to 95%. ARA is the proven solution for complying with stringent environmental regulations and increasing agriculture profitability. For more information – https://ecorobotix.com/en/ara/

Come see the equipment in action and discuss its potential in integrated weed management. 


Oper8 Project overview

Oper8 is an EU-wide network to support and promote solutions for alternative weed control as part of a three-year Horizon European project.  The overall objective is to demonstrate and promote alternative weed control solutions, like the Ecorobotix technology precision smart sprayer, to stakeholders across the EU, covering alternative weed control methods on a variety of crops. For more information - https://www.oper-8.eu/


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An EU-wide network to support and promote solutions for alternative weed control.  

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An EU-Wide Farm Network Demonstrating and promoting cost-effective IPM Strategies.

AdvisoryNetPEST - A new UK and EU-wide project aiming to increase the sharing of knowledge and the adoption of innovative solutions to reduce the use and risks of pesticides through a network of advisors.   

IWM involves using numerous weed control methods to try and manage a weed problem sustainably. Whilst herbicides can still be used as part of an IWM approach, a major aim is to reduce reliance on them by also incorporating methods including, cultural, mechanical, biological, thermal and genetic control. A combination of such approaches can allow for optimal control of a specific weed problem. Related topics on FarmPEP include herbicides and herbicide resistance. You can also view the topic pages on grass weeds and broad-leaved weeds which provide examples of suitable control methods.