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An EU-wide network to support and promote solutions for alternative weed control.


The project involves 8 'operational groups' across 7 countries. 

The operational groups involved are farming organisations, applied researchers and academic institutions across Europe.


Our main objective is to communicate alternative weed control solutions of each operational group to key stakeholders through networks across the EU.

To achieve this;

  • First, we will establish needs for alternative weed control and barriers for implementation across each network.  

  • Then, we will create an inventory of solutions for these needs, barriers and gaps.  

  • National action plans will be developed based on these solutions and then critically evaluated by stakeholders in a cost- benefit analysis, whilst also assessing relevance of solutions to each country/region involved.  

  • Outcomes will be available as fact sheets, videos, e-learning modules and other audio-visual material. (Oper8 website, social media, newsletters, and the EIP-AGRI Service Point.) Follow our social media to keep updated about news and events!

  • Best practices and audio-visual material will be demonstrated at regional/ national agricultural fairs.  

  • Policy recommendations will be put forward from each country. 

  • On farm demonstrations will respond to specific needs and precise demand. Demo-farmers will share their experiences with other practitioners through different field events.  


Please sign up to our newsletters to get the most up to date project information and updates.

If you would like to enquire about the Oper8 project in the UK please contact Lynn Tatnell lynn.tatnell@adas.co.uk 


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement 101060591

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Solutions for alternative weed control #1

The first in a series of webinars and focused on electrical weeding.

Register for the event below and sign up for the newsletter to be keep up to date on future events. 


Image removed.

Case studies in vineyard, grassland, and fruit production.

Program and speakers:

Electric weeding in grassland and fruit production / ADAS
Lynn Tatnell – Principal Research Scientist – Weed Biology

Kevin Godfrey – ADAS – Research Scientist – Weed Biology

Presentation of Rootwave electric weeding technology
Tom Archer – Rootwave company

Electric weeding in vineyard / IFV
Christophe Gaviglio – Project manager on alternative weeding – Viticulture scientist

Wednesday, April 26th at 11 am CET, Online
Duration: 1 hour

Register now

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