This guidance provides instructions on how to gather IPMNET in-field observation data. By collecting observations in a consistent way, you will be able to make meaningful comparisons within and between fields across the IPM network.


Download the guidance at the bottom of this page to find out more!                         

Please click here to share pest and disease information about your field(s).

What is involved?

  • In-field assessments: GS73-75 [Grain content milky]       

    Late June – Early July 2024

  • Select one or more suitable wheat or barley* field(s).

  • Walk along two tramlines, at five points on each tramline gather the requested observations and images, and collect one tiller from each location.
  • Remove the leaves from each plant and take photos. [Please provide 10 images of each flag, Leaf 2 & Leaf 3 or three images of 10 x flag, 10 x Leaf 2 & 10 x Leaf 3.]
  • Complete the survey form and return it to IPMNET along with all images.

Why should you take part?

  • Sharing your observations will enable you to compare your field with others across the network and data collected in the Defra Pest and Disease Survey.
  • The observations requested allow evaluation of your IPM strategy, giving quantitative feedback for assessing what did or did not work.
  • You will receive a summary report, benchmarking your crop observations across the network. To receive a full IPMNET Report, you need to become a member of IPMNET (for free) and complete and return the IPMNET Journal based on the same field(s).

What happens next?

Contact us

To receive further information regarding IPM NET, please contact us at:  



*IPMNET submissions for wheat will be analysed alongside Pest and Disease Survey regional and national averages. Barley IPMNET submissions will be analysed with similar submissions. 

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Join us for our drop in-webinar Tuesday 2nd July 15:00-15:30 for a Q&A on in-field assessments, gathering representative samples for pest and disease analysis and to find out more about IPM NET. Register here