Knowledge and business support for farmers in Wales

Farming Connect - helping you drive your business forward

Our enhanced programme is providing support which is transforming the business prospects of thousands of farmers and foresters.

Many services are fully funded, others are subsidised by up to 80%

To benefit from all that’s now on offer, you will need to register for the programme. Individuals registered under the previous programme will need to re-register.

Check the eligibility criteria, which has now been widened to include more farmers and foresters with smaller holdings, new categories of self-employed contractors and food businesses.

With our support you could:

  • benefit from subsidised business support, tailored to your business needs
  • reduce outputs and increase efficiency across all areas of your business
  • benchmark your performance and work towards progress and growth
  • identify areas for improvement and find solutions to problems
  • develop your skills as part of our new continuing professional development/lifelong learning programme
  • keep up to date with the latest innovations in technology through industry developments and the latest research projects
  • share best practice and benefit from the knowledge of other farmers, industry experts and academic research
  • be inspired by new ideas and find more efficient and innovative ways of working

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Connected Content

Farm-PEP aims to bring together all the sources of useful knowledge for Agriculture, whether from academic science, applied research projects, industry trials, farmers own trials or simple on-farm experience. Listed below are useful websites, organisations and websites that we know of.  Add any we've missed in the comments box or by adding as new content, or better still, as a new Group.  

The Farmer-Led Innovation Network (FLIN) are UK based organisations driving farmer-led innovation - working together to power up and increase the impact of farmer led innovation initiatives.

Funding available for research and knowledge exchange in the UK comes from a mix of public, industry and charitable sources

Advisors play a crucial role in supporting & progressing knowledge exchange in agriculture.

Podcast from Farming Connect The ‘Ear to the Ground’ podcast, the first of its kind to be available in both Welsh and English, shares technical information, advice, support and inspiration to the farming community in Wales.  

What web resources do you find useful to find and share knowledge?

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.

Seaweed’s and macroalgae’s agricultural use could have a role in circularity, particularly in coa

Share resources, ideas and experiences on running successful agri-businesses.

This Topic doesn't yet have a Stewarded summary, but connected groups, content and organisations show below. Click the 'Ask to Join' button if you would like to be a Steward for this Topic and provide a summary of current knowledge and recommend useful resources, organisations, networks and projects. "Like" this Topic if you would like to see it prioritised for providing a wikipedia style summary.

The Knowledge Exchange Hub is a joint collaboration between Farming Connect and IBERS, Aberystwyth University.

Lameness is the third most impactful disease in dairy cattle, with respect to economics and animal welfare

Protein-rich peas and beans are replacing concentrates in the winter ration of sheep and cattle at a Radnorshire farm.

Docks are perennial weeds that compete with forages of nutritional importance for livestock production.

Dr Emma Davies: IBERS, Aberystwyth University.

The introduction of natural enemies (biological controls) has become a common method for dealing with certain pests.

A mixed farming system, based around livestock and cropping, is a fundamental part of organic, agroecological and regenerative farming.

The performance of a suckler beef herd is significantly impacted by poor cow and calf health.

Sheep Breeders Round Table (SBRT) is a biennial technical conference for sheep breeders, farmers, academics, consultants and industry representatives. This year’s theme will be ‘Breeding sheep for a greener future’ and the event takes place 15–17 November 2024.