YEN Nutrition

YEN Nutrition brings together those wanting to achieve more precise crop nutrition.  High fertiliser prices now make this vital.  Assuming that 'crops know best' engagement in YEN Nutrition starts by benchmarking grain nutrients to show those that were limiting (or excessive) for each crop.

YEN Nutrition reports confirm opportunities for fertiliser savings and better-balanced nutrition. Benchmarking Reports compare crops across fields and farms so, together with YEN Nutrition group discussions or Crop Nutrition Clubs, they build confidence in how profitability can be maximised, environmental impacts minimised, and potentially, the healthiness of food products can be enhanced. 

The YEN Nutrition service provides Grain Analyses with Benchmarking for accurate nutrient management across the farm.

  • Identify fertiliser overuse
  • Show potential savings
  • Diagnose deficiencies

Benchmarking compares across farms, fields, crops, and years to improve future decision-making for every nutrient in all grain crops.

Farm YEN Nutrition Reports cost £250 +VAT for six fields. Each additional field (or sample) costs £40 + VAT.






Help us develop YEN Nutrition. Share your feedback in the comments below.

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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment


The Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was launched in 2012 to support and energise on-farm learning-by-sharing and thus to enhance farming progress.

ADAS has the largest group of crop physiologists in the UK The ADAS crop physiology team focuses on improving performance and sustainability of cropping systems for food, feed and biofuel production.

Nitrogen is required annually by most crops (except pulses) to achieve yield and quality. Judging how much N to apply is a key part of nutrient management.

Plants need around 12 essential mineral nutrients to grow: Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Sulphur (S), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Copper (Cu), Boron (B) and Molybdenum (Mo).

The ideas behind Farm-PEP came together in ~2018, drawing from the developments of Agronomics, the YENs, AHDB's Monitor Farm programme and the idea of a 'What Works' Centre for Agriculture. 

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for both plants and animals, playing a key role in energy transfer as a major component of ATP. It is also vital in DNA. For full capture & conversion of solar energy, crop canopies need 30-40 kg/ha P. Crop species redistribute most of this P (~85%; more than for any other nutrient) to their seeds during canopy senescence, where it is stored as phytate. Plants appear to do this because, until their roots proliferate, plant seedlings are highly sensitive to P shortages.

Farmers, advisors and researchers working together to understand and improve crop nutrition on-farm

Analysing grain for all 12 nutrients can be an effective tool to improve nutrient management, providing information on crop nutrient status and nutrient offtakes.  It can indicate whether your crops are getting hold of the nutrients they need, or whether you can save on future fertiliser use.

NRM’s GrainCheck service was launched in 2020 following several years of work with ADAS on the Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) project and to coincide with the RB209 recommendation for routine grain analysis. The test is suitable for cereals, oilseeds and pulses and should be interpreted alongside soil and tissue test results to give a full understanding of the effectiveness of crop nutrition programmes.

AICC Advisors and farmers testing appropriate nitrogen rates and strategies for reduction in light of current high prices.  Brought together by the FarmPEP FIP project

Share your ideas and experience of how to improve nutrient efficiency and reduce dependence on artificial fertilisers

With support from Defra the YEN database was analysed to investigate Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) metrics and how the variation in these metrics are influenced by parameters such as soil, crop performance and crop management.

Potassium is an important macro-nutrient for plant growth

Article on

Within our Farm-PEP Innovate UK project we are looking to develop 'patch testing' as an approach

Anonymised example Benchmarking report from YEN Nutrition

Presentation from Daniel Kindred at CropTec 2021 on how to deal with higher nitrogen fertiliser p

Managing nutrients effectively is crucial for our soils, crops, livestock and environment. There are many resources and initiatives available to help. 


Are you interested in Crop Monitoring?  Join this club to share ideas and experiences with the tools that are out there, and perhaps develop proposals and projects.

YEN Conference, 21st January 2025

YEN Nutrition's Grain analysis & Benchmarking service

Farmers Weekly article from 2020: Grain growers could gain £500/field if they get crop