Event Date

BASF are running a series of 3 short technical webinars, bringing together experts and industry specialists. We`ll be discussing barley and wheat disease control, but also nitrogen efficiency and return on investments.

Find out more and register at https://www.agricentre.basf.co.uk/en/Real-Results-Circle/Cereal-Disease-Control/



Thursday 10th March
8:00 – 9:00 am

With Dr Julie Smith Senior Plant Pathology Researcher, ADAS

This live event will discuss wheat disease management and nitrogen efficiency, with guest speakers Dr Julie Smith (ADAS), and Dr Jon Helliwell (BASF). Our expert panel will review key learnings from the 2021 season, including fungicide resistance and Curacrop monitoring results. Our speakers will investigate new independent data from ADAS, highlighting the role of fungicides in enhancing Nitrogen Use Efficiency.



Thursday 31st March
8:00 – 9:00 am

With Dr Daniel Kindred
Head of Agronomics, ADAS

This live event will discuss cereals inputs and return on investment, with guest speakers Dr Daniel Kindred (ADAS), and Steve Dennis (BASF). Our expert panel will take a deep dive in to the colossal YEN database, revealing the most influencing factors on wheat yield. Our speakers will also investigate new data on fungicide dose-response across different wheat varieties, to better understand how to maximise returns.



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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment


The Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was launched in 2012 to support and energise on-farm learning-by-sharing and thus to enhance farming progress.

Agricultural Shows have always been a very important place for farmers and the industry to share knowledge. The nature of agricultural shows has changed, but there are now an increasing number of staple events for a range of communities.

Cereal diseases affecting wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale and maize can be caused by a variety of factors, including fungal, bacterial or viral infections, pests and insects, and environmental stress.

Crop yield has been a major subject of research and industrial improvement for decades.  The YENs have set out a framework for understoanding yield in terms of capture and conversion of the major resources light and water. Temperature plays a role in crop development and can also have a substantial impact on growth and yields.

Fungicides are a type of agrochemical used specifically to kill fungal pathogens or inhibit the growth of fungi and the spores that they produce. They full under the umbrella of plant protection products (PPPs), also referred to as pesticides, along with other agrochemicals such as herbicides and insecticides that target weeds and insect pests respectively.  Prior to the development of fungicides, there are many historic cases of pathogenic fungi devastating crop yields - one of the most famous being the Irish Potato famine of 1845-52. This was caused by the potato late blight fungal pathogen Phytophthora infestans which today still causes massive losses to agriculture globally, although management by fungicides is now an important component of control.  A wide variety of fungicides exist with various modes of action (MOAs) to effectively control many fungal diseases including mildews, rusts, blights and leaf spots. A threat to modern agriculture is the development and spread of resistance to such fungicides amongst fungal populations.

BASF Real Results Circle (https://basfrealresults.co.uk/) has been running since 2017, bringing together 50 farmers and supporting them to test decisions on-farm.