A recent issue of Environment Digest

Environment Digest is a quarterly publication that provides a synopsis of recent news, reports and other materials that are of interest to the farming community. With a particular focus on how agriculture links with the environment, each issue focusses on articles across sustainable food production, climate change, water and waste management, soils and biodiversity. Environment Digest principally focuses on stories and policy changes that are relevant to England and/or the UK with a slant towards the arable sector.

Example articles in recent editions have included:

  • Emergency authorisation for neonicotinoids for sugar beet production
  • Optimising nitrogen application to maximise profits
  • Monthly water situation reports for England
  • Updates to the Government soil standards under the Sustainable Farming Incentive
  • The latest findings from the Agri-climate report
  • How to reduce emissions at farm level
  • Plans for habitat restoration across England

Environment Digest is produced quarterly by the ADAS Climate & Sustainability team. We welcome new subscribers to this service, so ff you are interested in signing up, please contact enquiries@adas.co.uk.

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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

Soil is an essential natural resource for all farmers. Over recent years many initiatives have sought to provide information and advice on soils and Soil Health, notably AHDB Great Soils. 

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The ADAS Climate and Sustainability team help clients to address their sustainability challenges.

This page is to connect organisations, projects and resources that have an interest in improving the quality of our water sources.

The farming press is a very important route to disseminating knowledge across the industry.  A range of newsletters serving a host of communities help keep people up to date. Share here sources of news and info that you find most useful.

Arable crops in the UK make up just under half of the farmed area (3.9M ha out of 9M ha)

Land sparing and land sharing are two different perspectives on land management towards improving global biodiversity, 

Climate change threatens our ability to ensure global food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. In 2016, 31 percent of global emissions originating from human activity came from agrifood systems.

Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share information, resources, tools and experiences on the multifaceted dimensions of how farming intersects with the environment.

Biodiversity encompasses all the variety of life on Earth from genes to species, populations, communities and ecosystems. In ecological and environmental sectors, we mostly refer to the biodiversity of plant and animal communities within particular habitats.