The overarching aim of FAIRshare is to ensure that farm advisors and their organisations effectively use digital tools and services for supporting a more productive and sustainable agriculture.
Science for Sustainable Agriculture aims to ensure the positive contribution of scientific innovation in agriculture and food production is recognised in public life and policy making.
At ADAS Boxworth, a range of Horticultural trials take place both on-site and on growers/farmers' land in order to provide unbiased scientific advice to growers and farmers aroud the UK.
HESTIA – Harmonized Environmental Storage and Tracking of the Impacts of Agriculture – is an online platform to enable the sharing of food sustainability data in a structured, open source and…
Farm491 cie
Business and Innovation Mentoring Course from Farm491 and RAU. We’re excited to launch our very own online course which can be accessed by any entrepreneur across the world. The course encompasses…
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A global initiative led by Wageningen, University of Nebraska and others to estimate yield potential and yield gaps across the world.
Farm Data Top Tips from Yagro
Tips from Yagro's Emma on how to get the best out of your farm data.
Pasture Optimisation for Resilience and Livelihoods (PASTORAL) will work with farmers to co-design a new digital platform to help improve data to inform on-farm decision making to increase farm…
Cofund on Sustainable Crop Production from EU ERA-NET programme
Anglian Water logo
This innovative project will protect The Fens from the impacts of climate change, like flooding and drought, and show how collaboration can change the way we think about managing water in our…