Nefertiti logo
Networking European Farms to Enhance Cross Fertilisation and Innovation Uptake Through demonstration (NEFERTITI) - a unique 7 M€ Network (selected under Horizon 2020, Societal Challenge 2, RUR 12-…
Overview of services provided by ADAS Digital Decision Support
Driving Decision Making for Efficient & Sustainable Agricultural Production ADAS Digital Decision Support encompasses the way in which we use digital data and digital technology to deliver…
This Livestock and Pasture study is part of the wider UKRI STFC-funded EO4Agroclimate programme.  
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A free to use online data hub building on the Catchment Based Approach (CaBA) data package providing spatially relevant local information to farmers, land managers and advisors.
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The Cereal YEN was established in 2012, and is the longest-running Yield Enhancement Network.
The Knowledge Exchange Hub is a joint collaboration between Farming Connect and IBERS, Aberystwyth University.
Ear to the ground podcast
Podcast from Farming Connect The ‘Ear to the Ground’ podcast, the first of its kind to be available in both Welsh and English, shares technical information, advice, support and inspiration to the…
Farming groups, scientists, and start-ups are teaming up to test how far cultured meat is a threat, or an opportunity, for UK farmers.
Agrecalc logo
Farm carbon calculator to lower emissions and increase productivity
BASF Real Results Circle ( has been running since 2017, bringing together 50 farmers and supporting them to test decisions on-farm.