ADAS Horticulture specialises in all areas of commercial horticulture production. We are well established as impartial advisors in the soft fruit, vegetable, protected edible and ornamental sectors.
AHDB has developed a spreadsheet tool to help you calculate the impact of changing fertiliser and grain prices.
Farmer Innovation Group as part of YEN Yield Testing project on achieving Deeper Rooting. Encouragement of deep burrowing earthworms might enhance yields by enabling deeper rooting, and capture of…
Defra Sustainable Arable LINK project from 2010 to 2015 that aimed to produce an automated system using precision farming technologies for N management of cereals, but ended up changing the whole way…
PhenomUK logo
The Technology Touching Life network PhenomUK will build on new advances in fundamental engineering and physical sciences, bringing the necessary disciplines into closer contact and promoting an…
Cows grazing
In February 2018, ADAS, AHDB and Defra launched the Grass and herbal leys farm network. The network is a partnership between farmers, researchers and industry and provides a platform to investigate…
With the high prices of synthetic N fertiliser there have been suggestions that more nutrients could be utilised from manures.  Indeed George Eustice suggested that there was enough organic manure…