Cecy Price
Agri-tech developer

My name is Cecy Price. I’m currently at a London-based startup incubator called Entrepreneur First. Along with my co-founder Dominic Hall, we’re building Ceres Biosciences - an early-stage agritech venture developing cutting-edge Machine Learning (ML) techniques for R&D of agricultural inputs, inspired by recent innovations in the human therapeutics space. Example applications range from prediction of genotype-by-environment interaction and high-throughput phenotyping, to protein design.

We're currently information-gathering, looking to speak to as many agritech experts as possible to build up a holistic understanding of pain points in the space and how they're currently being addressed. While we have an initial interest in ag inputs, if you have an agri-tech problem, we want to hear it - regardless of vertical! If this sounds like you, we'd love to chat. Please feel free to book a meeting directly via my calendly link - calendly.com/cecyprice. Equally happy to be contacted via linked in, email (cecyprice140997@gmail.com) or whatsapp (+44 7943 298499) if you'd prefer.

As stated above, our primary goal right now is to learn about industry pain points, in order to tailor our solutions to maximise value add. Having said that, we are also open to establishing early partnerships with agritech companies to develop our proposed technologies into effective tools using real-world data. If a potential collaboration is of interest, we are happy to discuss this in more detail.

We look forwards to hearing from you!

Our Team
Cecy (CEO) has a degree in Biological Sciences from Oxford where she completed her thesis on mammalian evo-devo gene expression under Professor Peter Holland. Cecy subsequently worked within the healthcare industry, including pharma manufacturing at GSK, Covid-19 testing strategy at NHS England and market access for orphan drugs and gene-editing technologies at Precision Medicine Group. Following this, Cecy gained an MSc in Computing & AI at Imperial College London. Dominic (CTO) has masters degrees from the University of Cambridge in mathematics and stem cell biology. Dominic subsequently completed a PhD in computational genomics under the supervision of Professor Ernest Laue, focusing on 3D genomics and regulatory networks in mammalian model systems. Following this, he worked at Relation Therapeutics designing deep-learning based approaches to phenotype prediction in cancer cell lines.