Why do you test your soils? - Complete the Survey - win a prize

ADAS, NIAB, the British Geological Survey, Innovation for Agriculture, and Soil Benchmark

For a chance to win a free ticket to Groundswell 2023, please fill out the full survey here: 


  • takes less than 5 minutes
  • does NOT require any soil test data

This survey is being undertaken as part of a DEFRA funded project between ADAS, NIAB, the British Geological Survey, Innovation for Agriculture, and Soil Benchmark.

The short survey is intended to help us understand how farmers, land managers and agronomists currently test their soils and use the results to inform day-to-day management decisions.

The results of the survey will be shared with all participants and used by the partners to develop decision support tools to help ensure that soil test results accurately inform farming decision making.

The survey should take no more than 5 minutes to complete. It does NOT require any soil test data.

For more info, please contact Tom Scrope: tom@soilbenchmark.com / www.soilbenchmark.com

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ADAS, NIAB, the British Geological Survey, Innovation for Agriculture, and Soil Benchmark

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