Our Vision: A sustainable and resilient agrifood sector, powered by data

Our Mission: To transform the agrifood sector through a thriving Data Marketplace, where data can be easily shared, monetised, and accessed

The Agrifood data marketplace. 

Find, manage, and monetise food, farming, and environmental data.

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Agriculture now generates vast amounts of data of different types and at different scales. The ownership, access, control, sharing, value, permissioning, intergration, security, safeguarding and sovereignty of this data represent multiple challenges and opportunities for the sector.

This Livestock and Pasture study is part of the wider UKRI STFC-funded EO4Agroclimate programme.  


The Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) was launched in 2012 to support and energise on-farm learning-by-sharing and thus to enhance farming progress.

The agri-tech sector is vibrant and growing, with many exciting companies, organisations and networks are working to develop agri-tech solutions.

We create diverse connections to drive positive change.

Roger Sylvester-Bradley      Tuesday 31st January 2023   It’s news across the world – the biggest wheat crop ever grown, yielding 18 tonnes of grain per hectare! This is fantastic, and laudable in all respects, but it’s no accident.    

Pioneering innovation, technology and precision engineering for UK farming. 

A range of digital technologies promise to transform agriculture, including sensing, robotics, artificial intelligence, wireless networks & IoT, big data, decision support tools, modelling, digital twins and precision farming. 

We are CHAP, one of four UK Agri-Tech Innovation Centres. We bring together scientists, farmers, advisors and pioneers to advance crop productivity and yield around the world.

Article posted on Agrimetrics website June 2022: What doe

In July 2022 the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons took evidence on how to unlock the potential of agricultural science and technology.

YEN      Friday 3rd January 2023   Russ McKenzie awarded YEN's Innovator of the Year in 2022 at the 10th Anniversary YEN Conference.

Sarah Clarke      Friday 3rd January 2023   Excellent grain quality as well as high yields were celebrated at the YEN 10th Anniversary Conference, with the Milling Quality Awards sponsored by UK Flour Millers. All UK Group 1 milling wheat entries were eligible for this competition, a total of 20 for 2022.

Agrimetrics developed to share with educators who lead agriculture degree courses at the AUC Educators Retreat 2023.