There are many people who want to establish an horticultural business but do not have access to land and to capital. Please can we talk about how we might recreate a once thriving industry to bring resilience to our food system. Imports are not the answer nor is the never ending control that the supermarkets have over the price of our produce. Uk produce does not have to be expensive we just need to realign margin to ensure that the farmer is properly paid.
Once upon a time the UK had a clever, innovative thriving horticultural industry. Sales were local and to markets and shop in towns across the UK. We have lost this industry and all that is left are massive businesses on thousands of acres supplying supermarkets and very small scale growers.
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Antobot is an award-winning start-up providing affordable robotics for sustainable agriculture. Combining cutting-edge hardware and software with a world-first embedded AI and controls system for agri-robots, we make fully digitised precision farming available for all.
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