Front cover of the report

WWF funded report by Stockholm Environment Institute at University of York and UK-CEH looking at issues around nitrogen use in the UK 

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Nitrogen is required annually by most crops (except pulses) to achieve yield and quality. Judging how much N to apply is a key part of nutrient management.

Nitrogen Use Efficiency is a widely used term increasingly discussed across industry and between farmers. However it can mean different things to different people, and is best defined with care.

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WWF supports lots of work on sustainable agriculture in a partnership with Tesco.

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Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share information, resources, tools and experiences on the multifaceted dimensions of how farming intersects with the environment.


Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

Diffuse pollution in agriculture refers to the contamination of water, soil, and air by chemicals, nutrients, and other substances that are used or produced in agricultural activities.