WWF supports lots of work on sustainable agriculture in a partnership with Tesco.

Land of Plenty is WWF’s flagship agricultural strategy: it is WWF's blueprint for how the agriculture and land use sectors in the UK can help fight climate change and bring nature back to life. In the report, we aim to fill in some of the detail and consider what the agriculture and land use sectors across the UK need to do to put us on a nature-positive pathway to meeting our climate commitments in 2030 and beyond.




See some of the reports recently supported by WWF are recommended below.

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In 2015, the UK pledged to be Net Zero by 2050, with the NFU striving for the more ambitious target of 2040. Net Zero is achieved when the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted is balanced with those removed from the atmosphere. This helps to combat climate change and reduce global warming.

Opportunities are increasing for farmers and land managers to earn revenues from storing carbon in soils or vegetation, or by reducing baseline GHG emissions from crop and livestock production.

Are environmental benefits (carbon, biodiversity...) best served by sharing agricultural land with nature, or by maximising yield in some areas to spare tracts of land exclusively for nature in other areas?  

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Rewilding is an approach to restoring biodiversity and ecosystem health by working towards returning habitats back to their natural state. Rewilding is commonly misrepresented as the reintroduction of large and glamorous wild animals and the removal of people and human activity from the landscape, but this is very rarely the case.  

Funding available for research and knowledge exchange in the UK comes from a mix of public, industry and charitable sources

The Oxford Farming Conference (OFC) is the leading international conference held in the UK for farming and agribusiness. It takes place in January every year located in the historic and inspiring surroundings of Oxford University. The OFC's mission is to inform, challenge and inspire the 560 or so delegates who attend, to resonate and be a force for positive change throughout the industry. The 2023 conference is taking place between 4th-6th January - see our event page for more details in the 'recommended content' section below.

OFC 2023 will explore systemic solutions to the cumulative biodiversity, climate, food and energy crises that collectively we are facing, with optimism and determination not to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Report by ADAS for Tesco and WWF on the potential for insects as an alternative protein.

Report commissioned by WWF & Tesco launched at OFC 2022 on "

Tesco and WWF are working together to halve the environmental impact of the average UK shopping

This topic refers to the whole food supply chain, from farm fork, and all the products and services that contribute to food production.

Although the term management implies direct manipulation, the practice of wildlife conservation and management includes efforts aimed at preserving or restoring rare species and their habitats and indirect manipulation of wildlife populations through modification of habitat or resources. From: Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008

Land of Plenty is WWF's blueprint for how the agriculture and land use sectors in the UK can help fight climate change and bring nature back to life.

In the UK an estimated 3.3 million tonnes of food are wasted before making it off farm. Farmers face numerous barriers to accurately tracking and reducing on-farm food waste. In response to this hidden issue, WWF and Tesco have worked with members of the food system, including farmers, suppliers, retailers and NGOs to develop the Hidden Waste Roadmap. This report sets out actions for food system actors between 2022 – 2026 to support farmers in measuring, reporting and reducing food waste on farms. 

The Go to Guide for reducing farm GHG emissions, from Innovation for Agriculture. Funded by WWF a

Report by Green Alliance for WWF & Tesco exploring carbon markets. Introdu

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As custodians of the landscape all farmers have responsibility to the wildlife and nature on their farms.  There are many networks, organisations, advisors and initiatives seeking to help farmers enhance wildlife and biodiversity. Increasingly this is being supported by Defra through ELMS and Local Nature Recovery schemes 

HESTIA – Harmonized Environmental Storage and Tracking of the Impacts of Agriculture – is an online platform to enable the sharing of food sustainability data in a structured, open source and standardised way. Please visit https://www.hestia.earth for more information.  

Land use refers to the way that land is used and managed for various purposes, such as agriculture, housing, industry, and recreation.

WWF funded report by Stockholm Environment Institute at University of York and UK-CEH looking at issues around nitrogen use in the UK