Encyclopaedia of arable weeds
This guidance provides an easy reference to the major broad-leaved and grass weeds in the UK, including how to identify and manage them based on an understanding of their biology.
Suckler Breeding Plan
Review and develop your herds breeding plan.
Nitrogen Application
Accounting for fertiliser and feed prices, it calculates the cost benefit of applying nitrogen to grassland. Use this tool to work out the cost versus the benefit of applying nitrogen fertiliser to…
Forage First Guide
This guide collates the available knowledge and numbers on forage utilisation and feeding.
Willow Harvesting
Willow is harvested every three to four years depending on the plant growth. Harvesting is done during the dormant season in winter (mid-October to early March) after leaf fall and before bud break.
Cows in a field
Bale Grazing is a simple method of out wintering dry cows often used in North America.
Farm Carbon Toolkit Logo
Improving soils by building soil organic matter is a win, win situation for everyone.
AHDB Net Zero Graphic
Net zero is not just about emissions, it's also about balancing the amount of greenhouse gas released with the amount removed across your entire farm business.
Cover crop
Cover crops are usually planted within arable rotations between cash crops. They provide a multitude of benefits including building soil fertility, improving soil health and enhancing above and below…
Willow as a biomass crop – All the information in an easy-to-read Factsheet.