Willow Harvesting
The Lot 1 Innovation project ‘Accelerating Willow Breeding and Deployment’ project led by Rothamsted Research has just released a ‘Growers guide to short rotation coppice willow (SRCw) varieties for…
Guide Cover
In the past twenty years woody biomass has been recognised as an important biomass source which can be used primarily for heat generationcombustion.
Guide Cover
These guidelines are designed to introduce farmers to a new crop. 
Scientists are working to understand how plants engage with soil microorganisms, so we can reactivate them.
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Executive summary for policymakers and researchers
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Montana State University Publication
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The project aimed to utilise mob grazing methods to manage grasslands better, increase sward species diversity, and create biodiverse pastures.
RAMIRAN 2023 Logo
The 18th Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture Network (RAMIRAN) conference was a resounding success. See selected resources from the conference below.
Sheep Scab Mite
Sheep scab is an acute or chronic form of allergic dermatitis caused by the faeces of sheep scab mites (Psoroptes ovis).
Sheep with skin condition
It is impossible to be certain if a sheep has sheep scab without a diagnosis.